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It's time to start planning for the DVPW Congress 2024 in Göttingen. The Call for Roundtables & Panels is open! If you want assign your panel to our Working Group, you don't need our approval. We will however be happy if you send us the proposal. If you wish, we can also provide feedback and help. If you wish to organize a roundtable with the Working Group, please get in touch with us as soon as possble, by the latest until September 1st. We will be happy to discuss ideas. Our Working Group can co-organize up to two roundtables.
The call is closed; we will publish the conference program here soon.
Our Working Group is co-organizing an international, interdisciplinary academic conference hosted by the University of Augsburg (Germany). It is a collaboration between the Augsburg University, three working groups of the German Political Science Association (DVPW), the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society and the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ).
The conference's topic is “Digitalization for sustainability transformations – Critical perspectives, lessons learned, and future prospects”. We strive to bring together experts from different disciplines to share their insights on how digital technologies can contribute to creating a more sustainable future.
The conference will take place from 20th September (3pm) to 22nd September (1pm) 2023 at Augsburg University in Germany (near Munich). The conference addresses two overarching questions: 1. How does digitalization transform the knowledge and practices of environmental and sustainability policymaking? 2. Which forms of digitalization governance are needed to harness its potential for sustainability transformations?
Four keynote speakers have confirmed their participation: Prof. Radhika Krishnan, IIIT Hyderabad in India, Dr. Ruth Machen, University of Newcastle in Great Britain, Dr. Roy Bendor, Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands und Prof. Teresa Cerratto Pargman, Stockholm University in Sweden. The call for papers is open for submissions until 30th April 2023.
More information about the conference
Please forward this call widely to interested people and communities! We look forward to hearing from you!
Kind regards
The Team of the Working Group Digitalization and Politics
One of the most momentous changes that marks the digital transformation of societies is a trend towards ‘platformization’. Platformization can be understood as an increase of platform-shaped companies and business models (as in many ‘sharing economy’ business models), but also more generally as the advent of an organizational principle that relies upon user-based content, scalability, and modularization, among other aspects. The overall implications of platformization have been vividly discussed by scholars from different disciplines and policymakers alike for several years now, for example with regard to the effects of large online platforms on business models, public discourse, and political polarization.
The 2022 workshop of the DVPW Working Group Digitalization and Politics zoomed in on the political implications of platformization. It dealt with the interactions between platformization and policies, politics, political institutions, and regulatory action. The workshop also engaged with related questions of power, social inequality, gender (in)justice, and sustainability.
Wednesday, 28th of September 2022
13:00 Welcome and Introduction
13:30 – 15:00 Panel I: Platform Power and Strategies
Chair: Lena Ulbricht (Weizenbaum Institute/WZB Berlin)
Maximilian Mayer (University of Bonn): Theorizing the power of platforms – a puzzle of dominance and fragmentation
(Discussant: Timo Seidl)
Nicolás Palacios (ETH Zurich): Strategies and tactics in platform capitalism: Digital vignettes on contested spatial production through quick delivery platforms in Berlin and Barcelona
(Discussant: Maximilian Mayer)
Timo Seidl (Wien University) Getting a Grip on Platform Capitalism. Understanding the EU’s New Digital Competition Policy
(Discussant: Nicolás Palacios)
15:00 – 15:30 Coffee Break
15:30 – 16:30 Panel II: Education & Platforms
Chair: Angela Oels (University of Augsburg)
Yoosuf Ali (Jawaharlal Nehru University): The making of digital platforms and its implication on higher education in India
(Discussant: Julia Teebken)
Julia Teebken (Princeton University), Nicole Mitchell (Free University of Berlin): Adaptation platforms – a way forward for adaptation governance in small cities? Lessons learned from two cities in Germany
(Discussant: Yoosuf Ali)
16:30 – 17:00 Coffee Break
17:00 – 18:30 Panel III: Social Media, Hate Speech, and Publics in the Digital Age
Chair: Julia Schwanholz (University of Duisburg-Essen)
Sheila Lalwani (University of Texas): Enough is enough? How the German constitutional court considers gender-specific hate speech
(Discussant: Gabi Schlag)
Gabi Schlag (University of Tübingen): Saving the freedom of expression through platform governance? Contested norms and the re-configuration of publics in the digital age
(Discussants: Nathalie Van Raemdonck, Paula Wallmeyer, Wolf Schünemann)
Nathalie Van Raemdonck (Free University of Brussels), Paula Wallmeyer (Hildesheim University), Wolf Schünemann (Hildesheim University): In mods we trust? Assessing the effects of community self moderation on Reddit
(Discussant: Sheila Lalwani)
19:30 – open end Dinner at Wirtshaus Duisburg
Am Innenhafen 8-10, 47059 Duisburg
Thursday, 29th of September 2022
09:30 – 11:30 Panel IV: Political Parties and Elections
Chair: Lena Ulbricht (Weizenbaum Institute/WZB Berlin)
Julia Fleischer (Potsdam University), Lukas Thiele (Potsdam University): Issue yield in social media campaigns for the 2021 German federal election
(Discussant: Paige Isaacson)
Kristina Weissenbach (University of Duisburg-Essen), Jessica Beyer (University of Washington): Party institutionalization via platform? A comparative analysis of highly populated online communities on their route to institutionalized parties
(Discussants: Julia Fleischer, Lukas Thiele)
Ningjie Zhu (University of Bonn): Platformized China's party building: How does the CCP envision party governance based on AI-assisted platformization?
(Discussants: Christina Weissenbach, Jessica Beyer)
Paige Isaacson (Goldsmiths, University of London): Assemblages of Trumpism: the affective spaces of right-wing populist social media
(Discussant: Ningjie Zhu)
12:00 Farewell and End of the Workshop
Universität Duisburg-Essen (Campus Duisburg)
Lotharstr. 53, 47057 Duisburg, Building: LS, Room: LS 105
Workshop organizers: Angela Oels (University of Augsburg); Julia Schwanholz (University of Duisburg-Essen); Lena Ulbricht (Weizenbaum Institute/WZB Berlin)