Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft
Transkulturell vergleichende Politische Theorie

Who we are

We have recently founded a research group called ‚Transculturally comparative Political Theory’ within the institutional framework of the German Political Science Association (Öffnet externen Link in neuem FensterDVPW), focussing on the diversity of political thought on a global scale as well as on cross-cultural exchanges and on the construction of ‚cultural‘ traditions of political thought.
What we want

One of our goals is the expansion of the ‚Western‘ canon of political thought by gathering information on political thought in ‚non-Western‘ societies and by exploring the transcultural interactions between different aspects of political thought.
By ‚political thought’ we mean above all contemporary political theories and discourses of academics as well as of political actors, political philosophy, and the history of (or rather traditions of) political thought.

Why this reader is important

Currently, there exist only few approaches to gather material on political thinking from all over the world. What is lacking especially is expertise that stems from within the different regions concerned.

Why we need you

As you are an expert of political thought in your country, we would like to ask you to fill in our short questionnaire.
Only your contribution will enable us to broaden the Eurocentric perspective on political thought that still dominates ‚Western’ Political Theory!  
Each completed questionnaire will, thus, contribute to the real enlightenment of the discipline of Political Theory.
Please feel completely free when answering the questions! There are no ‚right’ or ‚wrong’ answers and if you see no point in answering one of the following questions, do not hesitate to simply refrain from answering it.

We are very curious about your expertise concerning our questions; but your own questions and comments do also matter very much to us!! Just use the ‚open question‘ at the end of the questionnaire for your comments.

If you have any questions concerning this project and/or the comprehension of the following questions please do not hesitate Öffnet ein Fenster zum Versenden der E-Mailcontact us!

Öffnet internen Link im aktuellen FensterProceed to questionnaire!