28th Academic Convention of the DVPW, 14 - 16 September 2021
Here you can download the Call for Proposals for Sessions on Cross-cutting Issues (pdf).
Hier finden Sie die Ausschreibung von Veranstaltungen zu Querschnittsthemen auf Deutsch.
The DVPW Executive Committee calls for proposals for sessions at the digital DVPW convention in September 2021 that address issues of relevance for Political Science and society alike. These sessions on cross-cutting issues will take place within slots of 90 minutes each on 14-16 September 2021. We are inviting innovative formats that enable open and interactive discussion of core questions in Political Science. These sessions may last 30, 60 or 90 minutes, so that one slot may also be composed of 3 x 30 minute contributions, or, 30 plus 60 minute contributions. Several sessions will take place in parallel time slots.
We seek to open participation in DVPW events for early career scholars; equally, we strive for a higher number of women who actively take part in the convention. We aim for a broad representation of our members and the selection committee will take diversity criteria into account when selecting the sessions.
The criteria for submitting proposals for sessions on cross-cutting issues are the following:
Please submit your proposals by 15 December 2020 via the DVPW website: www.dvpw.de/kongress. Decisions about submissions are expected by mid-January 2021.
For any further queries, please contact the DVPW headquarters (kongressdvpwde, +49-30-838-68874).
Berlin, 15 October 2020