The DVPW (German Political Science Association) aims to connect and advance political science research in Germany. This is achieved through various formats, such as conferences, workshops, and meetings of its subdivisions, as well as through the triennial DVPW Convention.
The DVPW places great importance on ensuring that all participants can experience a safe and respectful environment during the Convention. Disrespectful, unprofessional, inappropriate, boundary-crossing, discriminatory behavior, or harassment of other scholars, colleagues, employees, volunteers, or contractors of the DVPW will not be tolerated.
The Awareness Guidelines for the 29th DVPW Convention supplement the Guideline for the prevention of and protection against sexualised harassment and violence at the University of Göttingen (Richtlinie zur Prävention von und zum Schutz vor sexualisierter Belästigung und Gewalt der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen einschließlich der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen).
Handling Incidents
In case of incidents, two staff members of the University of Göttingen, Burcu Ucaray-Mangitli and Katharina Heise, are available. They can be reached by email or phone.
Email: awarenessdvpwde
All reports of incidents against the guidelines will be treated confidentially, and, if desired, anonymously. Further steps will only be taken by the Awareness Team with the consent of the individual concerned.
Awareness Team During the Convention
During the Convention, Ms. Mangitli and Ms. Heise will be supported by trained assistants. All members of the Awareness Team can be recognized by their buttons and are happy to help!