Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft

Fees and Registration

"Politics in times of Polycrisis"

29th DVPW Convention, September 24 – 27, 2024, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Online registration is possible until 15 September 2024 via meineDVPW. After that, registration is only possible at the convention against cash payment. Please note that on-site registration at the convention will only open on Wednesday, 26 September 2024, at 8:30 am! From 1 September 2024, an additional processing fee of 10 euros will be charged. All active participants must register for the convention by 25 February 2024 in order to be listed in the programme.


Until 31 Aug 2024


From 1 Sep 2024


Students (BA/MA) and unemployed (with proof)



Members, fixed-term position – doctoral candidates



Members, fixed-term position – postdocs



Members, permanent position







Registration for the convention is binding and there will be no refund of participation fees in the event of cancellation or change of registration.

Persons who are not yet DVPW members can take advantage of the reduced participation fee if they apply for membership or trial membership at the same time.

Until 25 February 2024, there are two ways to apply online for travel grants for active participants. You can find the application forms in the portal meineDVPW.

DFG travel grant for participants from abroad

Until 25 February 2024, you can apply for a travel grant for yourself (as a speaker) or for speakers on your panel or roundtable (as an organiser) if the speaker(s) work(s) at a research institution outside Germany and are travelling to the convention from abroad. The German Research Foundation (DFG) thus promotes the internationalisation of annual conferences of academic associations. The DVPW collects the individual applications and submits them to the DFG in a bundle. Whether and to what extent a travel grant can be paid depends on the DFG's approval. For the payment of the grant for accommodation and travelling expenses, corresponding receipts must be submitted to the DVPW after the convention. Travel allowances can only be granted for economy flights or 2nd class rail travel. In addition to the personal details, we require a brief explanation (1-2 sentences) of the special significance of the speaker for our discipline in relation to the panel or roundtable.

DVPW travel grant for early career scholars

As an early career scholar (Q-Wissenschaftler*in), you can apply until 25 February 2024 for a travel allowance of 250 euros from the DVPW for yourself if you

  • are a DVPW member,
  • give at least one lecture on a panel or roundtable during the DVPW Convention, and
  • cannot claim your participation in the convention as a business trip.

The Executive Committee has set up a "Q Fund" for the convention. We will inform you as soon as it has decided on the applications. For the payment of the subsidy for accommodation and travel expenses, appropriate receipts must be submitted to the DVPW after the convention.


During the DVPW Conention, we offer childcare provided by Kindertagespflege Göttingen on the premises of Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. With the support of the Family Office of the University of Göttingen, we can offer childcare free of charge. Registration is possible until 25 August 2024.

Accommodation in Göttingen

Unfortunately, the quota of hotel rooms we had reserved in Göttingen is exhausted.