Bewerbungsfrist: 03.03.2025
Beginn: 01.09.2025
Project background
We seek a PhD candidate interested in exploring the relationship the politicization of inequality, party politics and policy demand in Western Europe. The project asks whether, for whom and under what conditions economic and social inequalities affect electoral preferences and behavior, as well as policy demand. Specific sub-questions may focus on up- and downward experiences in social hi erarchies and how they affect the ways in which citizens think about the politics of inequality, on re sponsibility and accountability attributions linked to inequalities experienced and perceived in the labor market and/or society, as well as on the policies that various groups of citizens expect to effec tively address perceived inequalities. Empirically, the project will work with survey data, comple mented with administrative data and data on policy repertoires. The project is part of the UZH University Research Priority Program (URPP) Equality of Opportunity. The URPP brings together researchers from Economics, Social Sciences and Law. The program’s overarching goal is to examine the economic and social changes that contribute to inequality and to explore public policies that enhance equality of opportunity. The PhD candidate will be fully inte grated in the activities of the transdisciplinary network of URPP researchers, as well as the Depart ment of Political Science IPZ.
Your responsibilities
The PhD candidate will conduct research within the Inequalities, Politicization and Policy Demand project. This includes the following responsibilities:
• Collaborate in the development and implementation of the research project with the other team members (the PI and one Postdoc)
• Conduct a dissertation project within the field of politics and inequality research. The disser tation project can draw on the joint project, but also leaves room for independent research.
• Participate in the coursework of the Department’s doctoral program
• Contribute to and participate in the intellectual life at the Department and the UpRPP
Your profile
• Master’s degree in political science or closely related discipline (ideally, the degree should be completed by August 2025)
• Substantive research interest in comparative political economy, comparative politics and political behavior
• Solid training in quantitative social science methods and strong interest in developing methodological skills
• Ambition to produce high-quality research, both independently and in a team
• Excellent command of English as the working language.
What we offer
• Employment for 3.5 years (conditional on approval of the dissertation proposal by the end of the first year)
• Salary in accordance with SNF guidelines (gross annual salary starting at approximately 50’000 CHF)
• Integration in a leading department with highly motivated and engaged members and a col laborative and supporting working atmosphere
• Opportunity to develop your own dissertation project
• Possibility of teaching in the department (paid additionally and depending on departmental teaching needs)
Place of work
University of Zurich, Department of Political Science, Affolternstrasse 56, 8050 Zurich
Closing date: 3 March 2025
Start of employment: 1 September 2025 (or by agreement)
How to apply
Please upload your application electronically as one pdf-file to the following online form:äusermann.html including:
• Motivation letter (including a short summary of your research interests and ideas for a PhD project)
• CV
• Diplomas and Transcripts
• One writing sample (for the MA thesis, does not need to be published)
• Name of 1-2 potential references (no reference letters are required for the time being) Candidates invited to an interview will be asked to submit a short research proposal at a later stage.
Further information
For questions about the position and the project, please contact Silja Häusermann at silja.haeuser