Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft
Veröffentlicht am: 20.01.2025

Post-Doctoral Research Position in the Research Group of Professor Silja Häusermann (80%)

Universität Zürich, Zürich

Bewerbungsfrist: 09.03.2025

Your responsibilities

• Engage in research related to the research priorities of the group/chair.

• Conduct and publish high-quality research.

• Collaborate with other members of the research group and the Department.

• Develop your own research agenda, a strong academic network and engage in acquiring project funding.

• Teach at the BA and/or MA level (1.5 classes per semester on average, in English or German) and advise students (incl. MA theses). Teaching can be in the broader areas of either CPE or Swiss Politics.

• Provide support for research, organizational, and administrative tasks.Teach at the BA and/or MA level (1.5 classes per semester on average, in English or German) and advise students (incl. MA theses). Teaching can be in the broader areas of either CPE or Swiss Politics.

• Provide support for research, organizational, and administrative tasks.

Your profile

• PhD in political science (completed or close to completion).

• Ambition and ability to produce high-quality and high-impact research in the area of the re search group.

• Proficiency in quantitative methods skills with knowledge of relevant statistical software.

• Ability and willingness to work in a team and also to conduct independent research.

• Motivation to pursue an international academic career.

• Excellent command of English, knowledge of German is a plus.

What we offer

• Starting date: 1 September 2025, or later upon agreement.

• Duration of employment: 3 years with renewal for further 3 years contingent on research productivity, teaching quality and participation to departmental activities.

• Salary according to UZH/cantonal guidelines, approx. CHF 82,000 per year.

• Opportunities for paid optional additional teaching.

• Funding for conferences, additional training, and research.

• A highly motivated, engaged and supportive team.

• Excellent working conditions in a leading research-oriented and international department that provides a constructive and collaborative research environment.

• Career mentoring.Opportunities for paid optional additional teaching.

• Funding for conferences, additional training, and research.

• A highly motivated, engaged and supportive team.

• Excellent working conditions in a leading research-oriented and international department that provides a constructive and collaborative research environment.

• Career mentoring

Place of work

Zurich, Switzerland UZH, Department of Political Science, Affolternstrasse 56, 8050 Zurich


• Application files should include: a letter of interest, CV including a list of publications, diplo mas, a writing sample, the contact details of 2-3 people willing to serve as references.

• Please upload your application electronically as one pdf-file to the following online form:äusermann.html

• Deadline for applications is 9 March 2025, with a view of holding interviews in early April 2025.

Further information

For questions about the position, please contact Silja Häusermann at