Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft
Veröffentlicht am: 30.08.2024

10 four year positions for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers

Jacques Delors Centre, Hertie School, Berlin and Bremen

Bewerbungsfrist: 30.09.2024

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The new research group on Reconfiguring Europe – Between Competence and Control invites applications for 8 Doctoral researchers (75%) and 2 Postdoctoral researchers (100%). The group consists of 10 research projects in Berlin, Bremen, Leipzig and Zürich. The positions advertised will be located in Bremen or Berlin. All are funded for four years. The projects work on a common research agenda on competence and control in the EU but on different empirical topics. Please check out which project best fits your interests. Application to more than one project is possible. Application deadlines vary between 15 and 30 September.