Abstract Submission Deadline: April 30, 2025
Final Submission Deadline: September 30, 2025
Guest Editors: Luciano Andrenacci (Universidad Nacional de San Martín), Michael Barzelay (London School of Economics), Mattia Casula (University of Bologna) and Fritz Sager (University of Bern)
The Special Issue welcomes papers taking any of the following formats:
1) Research papers sharing the results of single/multiple/comparative case studies in public policy implementation and public management, particularly if they are hybrid/heterodox in their methodological approaches.
2) Theoretical, conceptual or methodological papers discussing one or more approaches to studying public policy implementation and public management, and how they tackle the aforementioned limits and issues.
3) Literature reviews/states of the art comparatively regarding different approaches to public policy implementation and public management and their limits and possibilities.
Submission Process
Manuscripts will be reviewed according to the Public Policy and Administration double-blind review process. Submissions should be prepared using the Public Policy and Administration Manuscript Preparation Guidelines. Abstract proposal should be submitted, at the following link: forms.office.com/e/zpyYzPAyMJ. Manuscripts should be submitted by the Public Policy and Administration Editorial Manager website. For informal inquires related to the special Issue, proposed topics and potential fit, please contact the guest editors at: landrenacci@unsam.edu.ar; M.Barzelay@lse.ac.uk; mattia.casula@hotmail.it; fritz.sager@unibe.ch.